About Me

I am a high school student. I started building this site in December of 2014 while taking an "Intro to Web Development" class. What does this mean?
  1. It's not very polished, things don't line up, there might be elements missing, and it will not look like a professional's blog. This is because I am learning the basics of HTML and CSS as I go, and because I'm using Blogger's cloud-based editor at the moment.
  2. The look and feel of the site will change frequently as I learn new things and think of new ideas to make it look better.
  3. I will do my best to update all the tutorials with regard to changes in GIMP.
  4. Power GIMP is not my first priority, but I am working on it.
  5. Constructive feedback on how this blog could be better is encouraged.
In the same Web Development class, a friend and I also created the site foreshwatermittentral.weebly.com to showcase our worst GIMP creations. They tend to be mashups of different animals.

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